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sábado, 26 de septiembre de 2015

Digital Banking 19

What has been done so far?

Dear all,

What is "digitalization"? Is it really that complicated or do we confuse ourselves?

Is it "digitization"? No, but the former does not exist without the latter. Although some restaurants get it - now the television cooking shows are quite trendy -, it is difficult (and likely unwise for customers) to deliver tasty and healthy food with a messy and dirty kitchen. Large IT vendors like pointing out that large “digital” investments are taking place in the renovation of the core. They are really investments in digitization, not digitalization …but no shame on them …digitization is not that sexy …unlikely to be politically worthy the funding (mammoth in most cases) ...but as it is needed … someone may wonder what has been done so far.

Is it "innovation"? It is not, but nowadays innovation focuses mostly on bringing new things to society (and the market!) through the use of digital media. Explanation from HSBC Head of Innovation is the best I've heard so far http://www.finextra.com/video/video.aspx?videoid=924 ... but innovation does not have to stick to the use digital media and it is meant to provide new real stuff (no variations or evolutions of what already exists) ... puff, that is tough … to come up with “status quo breaking” ideas, … nobody said it was going easy …and though companies have always had Innovation departments ... someone may wonder what has been done so far.

Is it "ambition"? No, but ambition - properly understood - is what leads companies to pursue the growth rates and valuations of digital business companies. We may think that they have taken advantage of digital media (the famous SMAC I referred to in a previous post) or demographic changes - world population has doubled since I was a child - ... but these elements were there for the rest too, hence there must be other reasons. I believe it is corporate culture, …and let’s be clear - even making someone feel uncomfortable -, it is American corporate culture, … a culture of reward and punishment based on meritocracy - where there are winners and losers - ... and we have been talking about meritocracy for years ... someone may wonder what has been done so far.

Now it is the time, and it is much better - and more fun – to have a room for improvement. Who lives in the past is already old, who is excited about the future is still young. For your reflection:

And finally, some exciting topics for those who like reading:

Have a “gr8 wknd”!

viernes, 4 de septiembre de 2015

Digital Banking 18

Coming back from holidays

Dear all,

I hope you have been able to enjoy some days off, doing different things to usual, which is the best way to relax, recover and have new perspectives on our day to day.

August was the month of the data leak of the popular dating website Asley Madison. Will they survive the leak? Not all businesses are affected the same by a data breach, but I am afraid financial institutions would be closer to Madison Asley than to other companies in case of data breach. Something to think about.

August was also the month when Google has been restructured in Alphabet - http://googleblog.blogspot.com.es/2015/08/google-alphabet.html. Some may say this movement had already been planned time ago to let Larry Page join Sergei Brin in the activity they really like, doing different and ‘crazy’ things - transportation, connectivity, … and life itself - , taking some distance from the day to day of their cow business, the advertisement machinery built upon the search engine. Quite likely you have read about it in the media …

... but it has been the logo change what has called my attention - www.fastcodesign.com/3050613/googles-new-logo-is-its-biggest-update-in-16-years?partner=rss#2

Google is preparing for the next battlefield, where we already are ... "small" screens  [even the smartphones have increased it lately]. A big chunk of the revenues for companies like Google or Facebook comes from the sale of mobile advertisement. And this is because, either by the user profile, by the frequency, by the audience, by the moment the message is displayed ... advertisers are willing to pay for an advertising that is effective.

And financial institutions ... how effective are we in the promo of our products in our apps? Do we do it? Do we offer to advertise our corporate customers products and services in our apps? Something to reflect on too, http://www.mobilepaymentstoday.com/articles/banks-seek-to-capitalize-on-mobile-customers/?utm_campaign=Friday_August_14_2015&campaigner=1&utm_medium=HTMLEmail&utm_source=Email_marketing

And [something curious] August was the month in which Virgin Money opened a new lounge - I will always remember the excellent treatment I received at the lounge they have in Picadilly ... not being a customer – furnished as an aircraft ... http://www.finextra.com/news/fullstory.aspx?newsitemid=27702

And finally, something I have to improve ... when it is acceptable to use the mobile phone https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-intersect/wp/2015/08/26/when-it-is-and-isnt-okay-to-be-on-your-smartphone-the-conclusive-guide/

Welcome back everyone