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domingo, 29 de mayo de 2016

Digital Banking 29


Dear all,

as in previous occasions, let me start with some data I love …I believe I have already commented the fact that people use a limited number of apps, nevertheless spend an increasing and despairing-for-the-rest-of-the-people time in front of the screen – if you have teenagers, you know what I am talking about -  …so get ready for the “war for your place in the screen”, in first place …and then get ready for the “war for awareness”, as behavioral data show the steeping trend to download the apps when needed and delete them afterwards ...specially financial services ones.

Infographic: Twice the Time - Same Number of Apps | Statista

"In the fourth quarter of 2015, iPhone and Android smartphone users in the U.S. used an average of 27.1 apps per month, spending more than 40 hours with them. Interestingly, the amount of time people spend with apps continues to increase, whereas the number of apps they use pretty much stopped growing three years ago.

Apparently, there's a limit to how many apps people actually use, regardless of how many apps are available and how much time they spend using them. To put it differently: there's an app for every need, but there's no need for every app."


And before we get into banking, for all the tech lovers, and for the ones that only have 10 minutes for reading …Google's biggest announcements from I/O 2016.

Some weeks ago I read about the fever for acquiring AI startups. I reckon we are in a later stage of the digital revolution, where the combination of cloud, big data and big analytics are allowing us to do things we only dreamt about few years ago. Is Sci-fi becoming real? Are we close to being able to replicate a human mind? Will we suffer a created-by-machine Armageddon like in the movies? Doubt it. The truth – or the reality - is that we are facing the opportunity to increase our applied and aggregated knowledge. And make it more accurate. 

Most human beings are different from the rest of the mammals because the aggregated knowledge they have inherited from their ancestors [ouch!]; and we all know that knowledge is power. Hence AI mastering will mean a new way (maybe the way) of seizing power in near future. Some will win, some will lose.

Talking about AI, or talking about robots [in my mind, it is difficult to segregate one another …maybe too many movies], here you have a perfect example of how fintechs and incumbent banks my work together - bankinnovation.net. It has reminded me of IBM Watson and all the knowledge they are providing surgeons with in order to fight against illness. And coming back to the article, I agree with Sha’s reflection on the fact that many small and medium sized entities – in case they are still around in the coming years and have not become part of a larger one – lack the required resources to invest and develop these capabilities by themselves.

Check this article out, Open banking standards. It is a fascinating article that helps to understand the importance of APIs and how they will enable the change in the way customers use banking services. Do they mean the end of the banks? No, just the opposite. I believe we go towards a deeper banking penetration in society (governments are very keen on it, as a way to fight against black economy), but retail banking - checking balances, accounts and card movements, transfers [be very attentive to PSD2] will not be the same …digital is here …and retail banking will not be necessarily done through branches.

And just a couple things to read and reflect, in case you have longer than the 10 minutes I referred to previously:

Have a gr8 week!