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domingo, 27 de marzo de 2016

Digital Banking 27

A picture is worth a thousand words

Dear all,

everything changes to try to be the same; and nothing remains the same, because time changes everything. I would like to start with the updated version of a chart we have already gone through. It is good to come back to these known places and see how they have evolved.

Several things that caught my attention those last days. I hope this scoop deserves your time:
  • finovate.com. Recordings of the presentations that took place in London. If you have no time to see them all, go to the suggested ones. I have loved the idea of 'DriveWealth' and the fractional investing; if well delivered, they are accessing an enormous market – Millennials that want to invest in those markets, but have little money; millions of unbanked; non Americans who want to enter into the US markets... A new example of the "crowd" phenomenon, where many 'littles' make a 'big' one.
  • Three charts from Statista and three questions (actually some more) from me to you:

Infographic: The Global Wearables Market in 2015  | Statista
Has the wearable market (as is today) matured? No growth ahead? 

Infographic: The State of Women in Tech | Statista

Have we reached the ceiling? Who said women are not good at leading?

Infographic: Android and iOS Are the Last Two Standing | Statista

How many apps does a bank need to develop (and maintain!!!)?

  • If only one app is to be developed, what operating system will you go for? And before answering, check the following heat maps, based on Twitter data.
Twitter iPhone - Android map

Twitter iPhone - Android map

And in order to finish, ...no graphics. Just a couple reflections:
  • Words matter. Banks are afraid of failing, but they are not of testing. Agile should be "marketed" as fast testing, instead of fast failing. bankinnovation.net
  • Innovation is not for customers, but for companies ...so they can keep on offering (and selling) the goods and services the former demand. banknxt.com

Hope you enjoyed Easter.